Chiropractic Care
ASFCA’s team of board-certified doctors and caring staff have been treating patients in the Kansas City Missouri Area with a holistic approach to chiropractic and acupuncture care for over 10 years.
If you live or work in the Liberty area and suffer from moderate to chronic, debilitating pain, or you need routine preventative chiropractic care, we are here to help! Our Liberty, MO Chiropractic & Acupuncture Clinic is conveniently found at 1520 N. Church Rd (Suite C) Liberty, MO 64068. At Advanced Sports Family Chiropractic & Acupuncture we strive to provide every patient with the highest quality of care.
Our Liberty Clinic is excited to serve existing patients and welcome new patients.
Business Hours : M: 8am-6pm, T: 8am-6:30pm, W: 8am-6pm, TH: 2pm-6:30pm, F: 7am-5:pm, SA: 8am-1pm